Two bottles in the morning light
Often when I walk into my studio in the mornings, objects stand out in the soft morning light. It's these moments that speak I know I should capture. That's the difficult part, maintaining the motivation to do this. This is small sketch which should work into a nice painting.
Also, since I tunred 35 in October a self portrait at this point is calling me. Self portraits can be a scary adventure.
Hi Jason! I'm a bit sad to hear that you want to give up oils in lieu of acrylic. Choice of medium is a personal choice. However, you may consider the following if you are still interested in oils: instead of linseed oil or other traditional mediums, you could try Liquin, it's completely odorless. Also you can substitute turpentine / turpenoid / mineral spirits with oil of spike. It's derived from a plant in the lavender family, smells like lavender and is a great brush cleaner. If you're concerned about absorbing toxic materials such as lead, cadmiums and cobalts through your skin, try Art Guard, it's a cream you put on your hands which acts as a barrier. You will want to use this even if you stay with acrylics.
Thanks for these suggestions. I'll have to look into oil of spike - haven't heard of that. It may be a phase I'm going through and I might very well return to oils. I don't know if I'm entirely convinced of the purest thought that a good acrylic painting cannot match the same feel as oil.
I'm also concerned about the exposure of others, pets and children to oil paints. There are some water based oil paints that are more enviromentally friendly. We'll see.....I have been known to sway back and forth between these mediums.
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