Monday, May 08, 2006

Meet our New Puppy!

Both Helen and I made it back to Seattle - only to be welcomed by several pounds of snail mail! Yeah it tends to pile up when you're gone over a month. Sometimes in takes traveling to a different part of the world that makes you recognize the conveniences and system we have in the states ( although not perfect) is pretty good.

We are missing our puppy (Picasso) who is staying at Helen's parents in DC. Picasso will certainly remind us of our trip and adventures in Peru for years to come. We'll be in Baltimore in less than a month, and hopefully in our new home where we can be re-united with Picasso. I don't think Helen's mother is too fond of dogs, but states Picasso is awfully cute and well-mannered despite his bathroom accidents yesterday. But hey, after a long flight, a layover and a new place I think anyone would be a bit accident prone. :)

Tomorrow, we travel to Iowa to see my family for a week. Posted by Picasa


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