Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Hibbards Mitten

I signed up for Stapleton Kearn's SnowCamp again this year. I have a practiced year of plein air painting under my belt while reading Stapleton's blog. I feel like I really know this guy in a way that's different from other artists because he has graciously shared his knowledge and experiences as an artist from his blog.  He is living and had success living solely as a picture-maker. It takes an enormous amount of courage to be a painter let alone be able to make a living from it.

Another dilemma I have been thinking about id keeping my hands warm.  I don't remember freezing too badly last year, using warm packs in my gloves but I would have to break from time to time and take the glove off to do a detail or something else that required precision with a hand. That would get your hands cold fast. Last night I was looking into the hunters gloves - the kind that keep your fingers exposed but also have a flap over to cover exposed fingers but I'm wasn't convinced.

The word word Hibbard's glove popped in my head.  I googled it and arrived at Thomas Jefferson Kitt blog (another artist I like),  where he takes a wool sock and cuts a hole at the end to allow the brush handle.

I think I'll give this a go.


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