Sunday, September 24, 2006

A series in work

I'm posting two more studies of soon to be paintings. They're not perfect by any means, but at least they give me an idea of value contrasts and overall feel of the final piece. I'm currently taking a painting in a series class at Mica(Maryland Institute of Art) and my professor commented about how interesting it would be to see these thumbnail studies all at once.

That made me think. It's not always about the finished art piece, but what is more important is how an artist gets there. Looking at sketchbook doodles, notes or scribbles on paper is sometimes more interesting than a finished painting. Through these notes and doodles, you gain greater insight on the artist. I have to admit, I feel a little uncomfortable sharing my sketchbook, b/c when I look at the drawings I feel they are not that good. But I do understand that art is often a process and these dreadful little drawings are a step toward the finished piece and are an equal part of the painting.

Monday, September 11, 2006


Here's Rothko piece I absolutely love. A monochromatic piece, its simplicity and ingenuity is something else. Yellow tends to be a high tone, screaming color. But this piece, like most Rothko work has an element of contemplation. The different values of yellow are a subtle contrast. Color tones similiar to piano keys and tones are most effective when used in combination to create just the right sound that is pleasing to the ear. Well Rothko achieves visual harmony in this piece with color. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Video piece

I've been working with some video clips and footage from our travles in Peru. Creating video is intoxicating, but hard work. Especially if you are to put something to gether with some thought. And of course you can get a bit carried away by all the effects that come packages in these movie editing programs. I used Microsoft Movie Maker 2.0 to create this clip. Although putting it together was rather easy, Movie Maker kept crashing regulary. So I'm done with that application when the tech solutions to fix are too time consuming.

Here is the video on youtube.

Picaso had his"operation" yesterday. He's been sleeping a lot and appears to be much more calm. I can't help feel for him a bit - I guess we always want to place our human emotion in our dog , so I wonder if he feels like he is less of a man. Doubtful, as what I have read the negative behaviors from the hormone levels of testerone subside after the operation. No play for Picaso with other dogs at the park in the next couple of days, however. :(

Here's another thumbnail study.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Easy Sunday Morning - Dog "listening" and more thumbnail studies

I recently finished a good read of a book called the Dog Listener, author Jane Fennel. Her positive reinforcement methods of training incorporate "pack mentality" since dogs are gentically are related to wolves. I often receive comments from other dog owners about how well Picaso is behaved, which as a dog owner provides me with a sense of pride. So the read has been helpful, except for a behavior I'm having with Picaso in response to strange dogs that often walk by with their owners. Picaso will often charge the fence and bark obsessively - still working on my approach to corrrect this behavior. I'm hoping the neutering operation Picaso will have this Friday will hopefully allow this territorial behaviour to subside.

Anyways Jane dedicates a chapter to a process she terms as Amichien bonding. Here are the 4 points she emphasizes:

1. When the pack reunites after seperation, who is the boss now?
2. When the pack is under attack or there is a fear of danger, who is going to protect them?
3. When the Pack goes on a hunt, who is going to lead them?
4. When the pack eats food, what order do they eat in?

For example, on number 1 if you simply ignore you dog (no eye contact or acknowledgement)when you arrive at home the dog will eventually submit by laying down and relaxing. At this point wait 5 minutes and then offer praise or treat after the command "Come". By doing this you are establishing your "leader" status and the dog recognizes that the sooner he gets out of his jumping up and down in your face behavior, the sooner he gets a treat or affection.

Jane's emphasis is placing the dog to make accepted choices with their free will. The dog and onwner are much happier even this happy medium is met.

I'm currently working on a painting that is the same house as "One Last Stand" , although I'm referencing the front. Below is the part of the photo cropped, and following that two thumbnail studies. One a sepia monochrome and the other thumbnail sports color choices that I have started fleshing out. Mainly the idea of these thumbnails is to get a sense of the values. The thumbnails provide a "roadmap" so to speak for the finished piece.