Friday, July 26, 2013

David Morissey look a like

At the toyota dealership today I discovered I was d riving around with a nail in my tire, and reminded that I look like the Governor on the show the "Walking Dead".  Here is a photo that my brother-in-law captured.  Itwas a lot of fun now it begs the question, should I wear my eye patch out when plein air painting?

Saturday, July 20, 2013

From my porch

Escaping the rain, this drawing is down from the comfort of my porch.  Subject matter that may seem ordinary - like self portraits, backyard, or spots you consistently walk by are the best painting and drawing subjects.  You're connected to them, and its less expensive and easier than running off to some remote place or expensive vacation workshop that are a popular these days with plein air enthusiasts.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Mannequin sandwich

Here is a mannequin piece that a collector in the D.C area purchased.  That makes 3 of these larger scale mannequins that have sold from a small gallery in Hampden. I don't quite  know what it is but people are liking this work, and I feel that I can make paintings of this sort so much stronger.

Title: Face Forward
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Size 28 x 34

Monday, July 08, 2013

Catching up on the dog walk sketches

Here are two sketches from last week.  I feel behind and the demands of life with two kids and another on the way really make look forward to completing these little drawings while out walking my dog.

Thursday, July 04, 2013

A 4th of July Sketch

5 x 7 Oil pastel

I'm posting this literally within minutes of finishing it.  Maybe a few tweaks are in order but I do like the freshness.

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Hampton National Historic site

Thumbnails from last February of the Hampton Mansion at the Hampton National Historic Site. The sketch below the mansion is a landscape that includes the Headmaster residence and slave quarters.  I'll be painting there tomorrow morning.