Saturday, December 31, 2011

From the Sketchbook

Here's my New Years post. This sketch isn't necessarily one of my best, but it is one that is succesful in conveying an emotion of particular moment.  Last September Helen was placed on strict bedrest due to some pregnancy complications.  It was a trying time for our family. We had just moved to D.C. from Baltimore where Helen began a new job, but with the pregnancy complication had to be on bedrest.  Her income ceased and what disability payments she did receive paid for our health insurance.  We had to take our house in Baltimore off the challenging real estate market while living with Helen's parents.  The constant uncertainity of the health of the baby weighed on our minds.    Fortunately we were able to welcome a healthy son into the world on New Years Eve day.  

What I like about this drawing is that it reveals a sense of struggle and despair Helen felt being on that couch.  She lost her independence and was dependent on others.  She could only get up to go to the bathroom.  The drawing doesn't sugar coat the feeling of discouragement.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

From the Sketchbook: Vegan Apple Pie

Our good friends from New York City left Monday after staying with us for few days. We shared laughs, stories, and watched our children interact with each other.  It made the holiday special.  And more unique is our good friend Cynthia happens to be a  vegan and wonderful cook.  They left some food items behind for our enjoyment particularly a vegan apple pie which is in the drawing above.  More and more I'm finding table arrangements interesting to observe.  They change frequently and reveal details about the people that put the food on the table.  It's almost a portrait of sorts, I guess.

Cynthia's website can be found at Pure Vivante

Thursday, December 22, 2011

From the Sketchbook

I like how the line of the light shape in the right corner melts into the recling chair.  I managed to get Peeky into this sketch on the furniture.

Friday, December 16, 2011

From the Sketchbook

Calem days in the bouncer are over but this sketch from las September brings the memory alive. 

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Clara Art : Fire and Ice

2 pieces by Clara using Crayola Slick Stix by Crayola on paper. (11_8_11_  I titled them Fire and Ice. 

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

From the sketch book: Calem and Clara 9-15-2011

I usually manage a drawing of the kids interacting right before nap time, which is usually right after lunch. Clara likes to call this playtime, and its a been a routine we try to visit each day. (Pen an ink on 6 x 9 paper drawn from life)